The Tutor- Ms. Eaton

Antoinyce Eaton brings a wealth of knowledge to students of all ages.  The daughter of an English and communications instructor extraordinaire, Antoinyce has always had an indelible thirst for knowledge and a passion for academic excellence.  Now a graduate student at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, Ms. Eaton is increasingly more aware of the importance of giving back and ensuring a legacy is built to nurture and encourage young students to achieve unlimited success.   It is Antoinyce’s belief that each student is special and has vast learning potential that he or she has yet to realize.  Through selfless, innovative tutoring services, Ms. Eaton empowers students and invigorates them to be excited about learning.

Based on Luke 12:48, Antoinyce truly believes that “to whom much is given, much is required.”  Therefore, it is her heart’s desires to pour out the bountiful academic blessings she has received, that they may be a blessing to others in generations to come.